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How to eliminate the belly with cinnamon bay leaf and sage herbal tea

 How to eliminate the belly with cinnamon bay leaf and sage herbal tea

The recipes to prepare the abdominal fat burning herbal tea with cinnamon, bay leaf and sage, draining, to take away the hunger and the slimming tea with cinnamon and honey. 

Drinking herbal tea and cinnamon tea regularly, combined with a healthy diet, exercise and drinking plenty of water a day, will help you burn abdominal fat quickly and lose weight in a short time.

There are many people who try to burn abdominal fat, especially women even in view of the summer. It is important to keep in mind that if organs such as the kidneys, lungs, liver and colon are not functioning well, the body becomes intoxicated, even with excess abdominal fat. 

To eliminate excess fat, physical exercises, diet and treatments such as herbal teas are essential. The most difficult fat to dispose of is that present on the belly, arms and back; some natural infusions can be very effective in eliminating excess fat. 

How to eliminate the belly with the herbal tea cinnamon bay leaf and sage recipe ingredients woman body abdominal swelling swollen belly before after white t-shirt light jeans Cinnamon Cinnamon is a spice often used in cooking to prepare dishes and desserts. 

How to eliminate the belly with the herbal tea cinnamon laurel and sage abdominal fat back woman culotte trousers white love handles white mouse cordura green blonde hair .

However it is much more than just a spice, because it has many health benefits and is an excellent ingredient for the weight loss. Cinnamon has slimming properties but must be associated with diet and exercise.

Properties of cinnamon How to eliminate the belly with the herbal tea cinnamon bay leaf and sage spice ribbon raffia powder wooden table cinnamon sticks Thermogenic properties: raises the body temperature, speeds up metabolism and helps burn fat. Carminative and digestive properties:

 Promotes digestion, eliminating flatulence and abdominal bloating. Relaxing properties: it fights anxiety and avoids compulsive hunger attacks. 

To detoxify the body and cleanse the liver, reducing cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood, you can prepare a good ... 

Cinnamon tea How to eliminate the belly with the herbal tea cinnamon bay leaf and sage tea cup glass sticks cinnamon stick glass jar honey cover jute twine green leaf table dark wood ingredients Boil a liter of natural mineral water; add a cinnamon stick (or five teaspoons of ground cinnamon) and cook for 5 minutes. Let it cool and add 1/2 teaspoon of honey. 

Drink 3 cups of tea a day - one in the morning, one in the afternoon - one evening, before going to sleep. Cinnamon tea can be drunk cold or hot. It is great for helping you lose weight. Cinnamon can be combined with other herbs, whose properties are essential for weight loss, such as bay leaf which is a diuretic plant, excellent for fighting water retention.

Another excellent plant for deflation of the abdomen is sage, against stomach spasms and to prevent water retention. 

Here is the recipe and instructions to prepare the ... Cinnamon, bay leaf and sage herbal tea How to eliminate the belly with the herbal tea cinnamon bay leaf and sage recipe ingredients cup tea saucer clear glass cinnamon stick sage leaves bay leaf white napkin Ingredients .

5 bay leaves 
1 cinnamon stick 
10 sage leaves 
1 liter of natural mineral water 

Preparation Put the herbs and cinnamon in a saucepan with a liter of natural mineral water; bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. Let it cool down, then filter. Drink a glass of herbal tea 3 times a day, before main meals.

Warning! Cinnamon and sage cannot be consumed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, they also have other contraindications, so consult your doctor first.

 How to eliminate the belly with the herbal tea cinnamon bay leaf and sage slim woman body white culotte hand abdominal swelling The article is informative only, because  offer medical treatment or make diagnoses. Always pay attention to any allergies and consult your doctor first. 


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