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Drinking lemon water in the morning makes you lose weight

Drinking lemon water in the morning makes you lose weight

Remedies to detox and lose weight? The lemon cure: a cup of water and lemon on an empty stomach in the morning as soon as you wake up, with all the benefits of lemon juice that purifies and also helps you lose weight. Here's how to do the lemon diet, all the tips and contraindications, to get all the benefits from this precious drink.

 How to prepare the lemon water in the morning Precautions and Warnings User comments Drink a glass of water and lemon in the morning as soon as you get up: I have often heard of this advice that many define as really healthy for our body. I therefore decided to read up on more information, looking on the web for news and knowing all the benefits of this drink, to know how to take it in the right way and any contraindications. drinking lemon water in the morning makes you lose weight cup lemon water purple flowers lemon slices Why drink lemon water in the morning One of the pleasant moments of the morning is definitely taking a nice shower, to wake up, a shower that gives energy and, in summer, even a burst of freshness! face woman glass water and lemon hand nails .

Why not experience the same sensations from the inside too? A glass of water and lemon is the shower of our body, a beautiful internal shower with: washing of the renal system drainage of toxins hepatic drainage washing of the gastrointestinal system kidney wash alkalization of the body (maintaining a correct acid-alkaline balance of the body).

Purification: the lemon water drunk in the morning has a purifying effect because it stimulates diuresis, eliminating toxins; citric acid eliminates bile stagnation, stimulates the liver and gallbladder and helps the body to purify itself. Immune defense: rich in vitamin C, lemon is an excellent remedy for preventing the flu and also helps fight it; moreover, thanks to the high potassium content, it is very useful for those suffering from arterial hypertension (high blood pressure). 

Hydration: the lemon water drunk in the morning helps to improve the hydration of the body which tends to dehydrate during the night, improving the appearance of the skin. Purifying: the intake of water and lemon in the morning helps to fight free radicals, purifying the skin which will be brighter and more beautiful, also reducing imperfections and wrinkles. Refreshes the breath: water and lemon drunk early in the morning helps to have fresh breath throughout the day. 

Slimming effect: lemons have a good percentage of fibers and pectins that help fight nervous hunger; moreover, drinking water and lemon every morning stimulates the metabolism helping the body to lose weight naturally (always following a good diet). And a lot of good humor! The lemon aroma is very useful to combat nervousness, tension, stress, fatigue, depression: just a few drops put in water in an aromatherapy diffuser. You just have to smell it while preparing the lemon drink, to feel better immediately!

Does lemon help you lose weight? Yes, it's true. Lemon promotes diuresis, is detoxifying, aids digestion, regulates metabolism, and also helps the intestine to perform its functions well. 

Can I drink lemon water every morning, forever? ► Warning: you must not abuse. Water and lemon cannot be drunk every morning forever. If there are no particular problems, there is no need to stop the practice, especially if you like it and feel the benefits; in any case you can drink lemon water every morning, stop for a week and then start over. When you're stressed out and feeling bloated, it's okay to drink lemon water every couple of days. 

During holiday periods, if you celebrate by drinking and eating too much, lemon water can be consumed for 3-5 days. How to prepare the lemon water in the morning Doses: 1/2 organic lemon (one whole if the lemon is small) to be filtered in 500 ml of warm water (tolerable heat) and taken in the morning on an empty stomach, sipping slowly without letting it cool.

Wait 15-20 minutes before having breakfast. The water and lemon drink is not recommended in case of gastritis: better choose a good mallow herbal tea, adding a few drops of lemon: infuse 2 teaspoons of mallow leaves (dried and chopped) with a cup of hot water; leave to infuse for 10 minutes, strain, add the lemon drops and drink slowly. 

This herbal tea is diuretic, purifies the body and disinfects the urinary tract. If there are any problems, reduce the lemon drops. For those who have difficulty drinking lemon juice, you can start with a teaspoon and then increase, day after day, the dose up to the right amount mentioned above. It is advisable to rinse your teeth and brush them well after drinking the water and lemon, because the juice can damage the tooth enamel; to limit the effect you can use a straw.

 Do not use cold water: 

cold water creates a shock to the intestine, better choose warm or warm water (not higher than 45 °). Drinking water and lemon in the morning makes you lose weight glass water lemon slice The drink water and lemon, very refreshing, can be drunk throughout the day if desired: just add a few drops to the water normally drunk next to meals; between meals, the morning dose is fine. 

Particularly recommended for those with obesity problems to drink water and lemon at least two or three times a day, so as to better stimulate the metabolism. A real health drink, to be enjoyed in the morning, upon waking up, a beautiful wellness ritual that purifies the body, the skin, freshens the breath and also helps to lose weight ... what more could you want? 

We are waiting for you! Word of mouth is always useful! (✿◠‿ ^) ❤ And a very welcome "like". ❤❤❤ Thanks for reading ❤❤❤ The article is informative only,


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