How to fight wrinkles the best treatments for beautyhelt
Expression lines, age-related wrinkles, on the forehead, nose, lips, around the eyes ... what are they and why do wrinkles form? Here are the best treatments to rejuvenate the skin of the face.
Why wrinkles are formed Wrinkle creams User comments No one likes wrinkles, you know. Between the ages of 30 and 40, the first ones begin to appear on the face, particularly around the eyes, where the skin is more delicate. After the age of 40 the situation proceeds in a slow and unstoppable progress due to natural aging.
Of course we can say that aging is a condition of natural life, as we have said unstoppable and that must be accepted. But we can do something about wrinkles. We can in fact make sure to mitigate those that already exist and at the same time prevent the appearance of others.
As for the treatment of wrinkles for women, there are specific products. Here you will find the best creams to fight wrinkles. Let's now discover some curiosities about the formation of these imperfections due to the passing of time. beautiful mature woman face looks wrinkles at the round bucket Why wrinkles are formed Wrinkles arise deep in the dermis due to the action of certain agents, both internal and external.
Over time, changes arise in the venous microcirculation. The capillaries dilate and lose elasticity, causing a lack of collagen and elastin. Fibroblasts shrink, the epidermis collapses, the dermis collapses. Then there is the action of free radicals that cause oxidative stress,
which causes the appearance of wrinkles.
Another cause of the appearance of wrinkles is exposure to UV rays, which accelerates cellular and skin photo-aging. And one more cause of premature wrinkles is smoking. Smoking predisposes to the premature appearance of wrinkles in the lip contour due to the continuous muscle contraction of the mouth. The skin then receives less oxygenation. Smoking is therefore bad not only for the health of the organism but also for that of the skin.
Hormonal changes can also cause wrinkles. During menopause, the skin becomes drier and therefore prone to deterioration and the hydrolipidic film is reduced. face beautiful mature woman looks wrinkles in the hand mirror Of course all these conditions are really problematic.
However, there is a remedy for everything.
However, cosmetics in particular can come to our aid. Let's see how. Wrinkle creams For years, the fight against wrinkles has been supported by cosmetics, which provide us with propitious creams that can solve this unfortunate problem, which for many women can even be dramatic.
Find yourself overnight with your face, neck or décolleté marked by unsightly wrinkles is not pleasant. A woman rightly wants to solve this problem and here comes cosmetics.
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